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The limited liability company “Agency of innovative sports technology” (AIST) is a professional team, which has the best specialists in each of its activity areas as its employees.

Our key priorities today are:

- Football transfers and consulting the football players, trainers and clubs in legal, financial, linguistic and common matters;
- Image building and image promotion for sportspersons through social networking websites and mass media, as well as sponsorship and advertising contracts

We work for your success twenty-four seven.

We give the sportspersons the opportunity to concentrate on their sports career only as well as to become secondary passive income as a result of promotion.

We keep the information secret if our clients wish it.

We offer you the best value for money.

Our success story

“AIST” was founded on the 17-th of September 2012 and developed successfully three main projects:

- The creation of Russia's first labour exchange for the implementation of the transfer contracts between Russian athletes and clubs in team sports. In this area the company also provided legal services to athletes.
The unique online portal dedicated to football transfers, launched in the Internet space in the summer of 2013.

- Development of innovative software products, testing methods and training to improve the skills of both professional athletes and coaches, and the players Amateur, children's and youth teams, including beginners.
The legendary football doctor – Savely Mychalow was engaged in the project to develop this direction of work.
- The production of innovative products in the field of sports nutrition and medicine. At this stage in the diet of athletes applies innovative Supplement for athletes, produced on the basis of Royal jelly of bees.

Now we, the team of “AIST”, do our best in order to unite together our rich legacy and the new forward-looking lines of work on behalf of our clients.

Partners and project investors

The project is managed by the managing company “Sberinvest”, which is in control of the Krasnodar venture Fund of investments into small enterprises in scientifically-technical sphere created by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade jointly with the Krasnodar territory administration.

Currently “Sberinvest” manages:

* Six regional Venture Capital Funds of investments into small enterprises in scientifically-technical sphere established under a program of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade jointly with regional administrations in the framework of implementation of state programs of development of innovative sphere

- Sector Fund, the implementation of nanotechnology in the metallurgical industry "Nanomet"* created jointly with RUSNANO.

- One real estate Fund

Under the management of a subsidiary of "Sberinvest" works:

International venture Fund for the development of new technologies in the energy industry of the Russian Federation, NANOENERGO FUND LTD, created with the participation of "RUSNANO Capital" subsidiary company of OJSC "RUSNANO“.

“Sberinvest” provides our project assistance in strategic and operating activities, attracting business links and additional financing, as well as offers professional consultations on marketing, law and finance.

You can receive more information about the activities of CJSC "Sberinvest" on the company's website

Our team

Sergey Nechuvilin

Director general

Phone: +7 (495) 363-09-68


Stanislav Shuvalov

Chief executive

Phone: +7 (495) 363-09-68


Julia Kosenko

Assistant Director General

Phone: +7 (495) 363-09-68


Evgeniy Trunin

Project manager

Phone: +7(495) 363-09-68


Alexey Ådunov

Development manager

Phone: +7(495) 363-09-68


Sergey Galunov

Head of the Scouting department

Phone: +7(495) 363-09-68


Eugene Nedelkin


Phone: +7(495) 363-09-68


Alexey Seliverstov


Phone: +7(495) 363-09-68


Artem Khachatryan


Phone: +7 495 363-09-68


Snezhana Astafyeva (Sochi)

Company representative in its registered office in Sochi

Phone: +7 495 363-09-68


  • - Project
  • - Our success story
  • - Partners and project investors
  • - Our team